Pineapple upside-down, er, non-cake :)
"Oh, darn--I forgot to cut the pineapple and I don't have time now. If you have a minute, could you just cut off the top? That way, we can slice it tomorrow without having to "sort."*
Imagine my surprise when I went to slice the pineapple at Shabbat lunch . . . and found all the leaves still attached.
"I thought I asked you to cut off the top off the pineapple."
"Well, I did."
Three-second pause.
"You think that's the top?! Have you ever seen a pineapple standing on its leaves?!" :)
*(. . . by throwing away an inedible part before eating the edible part--according to halachah/Jewish religious law, on Shabbat/Sabbath, when "selecting" is forbidden, one is allowed to pick the seeds out of watermelon while one is eating it, but one is not allowed pick them out in advance ).
It's amazing how you pick and choose. You'll take the subway, which is clearly prohibited, yet follow a chumrah nobody follows. I've sat at rabbis' tables as they cut pineapple that is whole. why bother?
Actually, I've been trying very hard to avoid traveling on Shabbat and Yom Tov, and davven at my local shul (or an Ortho one within walking distance) these days. As to the pineapple business, I didn't think it was a chumrah. It's entirely possible that I don't quite understand the issur/prohibition against "selecting/sorting" correctly.
Anonymous, pretty much, Shira has become a non-Shomer Shabbos Chareidi Jew… She does this so she can make observance seem too hard, so she doesn't have to become observant… she also picks Chareidi gender positions, so she can bash Orthodoxy has being anti-woman.
I won't agree that taking the subway is clearly prohibited, although it is so accepted as prohibited it might be a Morat Ayin issue even if it's technically okay…
But there is plenty of stuff she does that is clearly prohibited, while bashing her fellow Conservative Jews for not picking the things that she has picked as important.
Same thing as the strawberries, the prohibition of sorting/selecting/sieving, when dealing WITH food, only applies if you keep 100% of what you want and throw away 100% of what you don't want.
Remember the strawberries, cut further down so you trash "some" of the flesh. When you cut the top off the pineapple, you will inadvertently throw away some of the flesh, so it's fine.
"Remember the strawberries, cut further down so you trash "some" of the flesh. When you cut the top off the pineapple, you will inadvertently throw away some of the flesh, so it's fine."
Oh, forgot about that--I've been following your "strawberries on Shabbat" advice for ages. In the future, I'll remember that it applies to other fruit, such as pineapple, in the future.
"But there is plenty of stuff she does that is clearly prohibited, while bashing her fellow Conservative Jews for not picking the things that she has picked as important."
Yeah, I'm working on that. Since it appears likely that I'll be sticking with the Conservs, I'm trying to become more tolerant of different manners of observance.
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